MSG About

About MyScubaGuide is an on-line publication intending to bring to our readers the best in exotic diving adventure travel information. We are partnering with leading providers of scuba travel services around the world. With the assistance of our travel marketing partner, Uncommon Adventures, we have been identifying the most exotic and unique diving adventures. Many of these are personally visited to experience the excitement first-hand. Findings are reported within the pages of our destination guides and featured articles.
Dive and Destination Guides
Over the last five years, we have developed three Dive and Destination Guides, the most recent one is our newly released Fiji Guide. More guides are in the works with updates to our existing guides performed periodically.
Featured Articles

For nearly 30 years, feature articles from our travels have appeared in many of the industry leading publications. Some of the articles have been adapted for the on-line magazine and many appear in Look forward to many exciting features in the years to come.
Photography and Video Galleries.

Since the early 1980s, Robert Aston has been capturing images, above and below the water, from remote areas around the world. His photography has appeared in many of the leading publications. now brings some of his exciting images as well as those from Lynn Jaye. Underwater video will also be increasingly showcased as the Internet grows to accept streaming media.

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